Developing A Feedback Culture
Do you love feedback or despise it? Do you know how your team members feel about giving and receiving feedback? Have you ever asked the question? Everyone’s perception of giving and receiving feedback is different. We like to believe we are better at feedback than we are. Giving feedback takes courage and precision. It is an on-going, two-way conversation where context is examined, and barriers to progress are broken down.
Every year, millions of dollars are wasted on pointless performance management conversations that aren’t improving results. In fact, it is proven that a feedback-free environment shrinks your bottom line and is also detrimental to your physical health. There is a tremendous amount of focus on performance management and building cultures of feedback. Organizations are demanding that effective conversations start happening.
This engaging and thought-provoking course provides the tools needed for consistent, detailed feedback and goal setting that enriches the relationship.
Expected Outcomes from this Course:
- Consistent and timely feedback conversations
- Deepen desire for real, honest, and authentic culture of feedback
- Strengthen and enrich relationships within your team and with your employees and colleagues
- Focus on creating a highly functioning team and organization
Participants will learn how to:
- Become a leader or team member who asks for and welcomes feedback
- Conduct performance conversations regularly and in-the-moment (not just once a year)
- Reinforce what is working well through praise, recognition, and appreciation
- Receive feedback in a way that ensures you continue to receive it
- Create a feedback culture — where feedback is delivered in a way that will enrich relationships